A UCE (Undetected Cheat Engine) called Zenx is out for MPCForums. It basically mimics the original CE program.
A client-sided clothes hack was out for fun though it serves no purpose what-so-ever. It makes you look better but other people in the game can't see your new clothes.
A new vac came out called dEMI Vac. It locates the point where the character is standing and drags monsters to you. But it doesn't literally drags. After you kill the mob, you get to loot at the same spot.
Hacking during 2006 wasn't as popular as now. There's hardly to document. But here are the summaries of the versions instead.
v0.21 - 4/4/2006
The beginning of vac-hacking?
Skip to 0:27 to see the action and 0:40 as proof of the version. 4/12/06
v0.23 - 5/2/2006
The Zakum patch was up and running. At this era, only Zakum was the powerful boss in Maplestory. There is a series of quests that need to be completed for every player before battling it.
The pre-quests:
Collecting document pieces from a series of maps.
Maplestory's nearly impossible jump quest at this era.
Collecting golden teeth to make the Eye of Fire as a pass to get into the battlefield of Zakum.
Would there be any exploits to this? Possibly. Continue reading.
Modification of the game's physics (jumping, falling, etc)
Swear word filter
~Exploiting Zakum's Jump Quest
The quest awards you 15k experience for completing every time and had no limits to how many times you can do it. Which one of the hacks you think was suitable for massively gaining 15k experience per [short time]? That's right, the fly hack. At a daily rate, you could gain unthinkable levels by doing this. Keep in mind that in this era, training/grinding was boring and slow.
~Exploiting Other Jump Quests
I'm pretty sure if you knew how to fly hack on one jump quest, you knew how to do it for all! Here are all the other jump quests that may have been hacked on:
Kerning City Shumi's JQ Line
Lith Harbor John's JQ Line
Sleepywood Sabitrama's JQ Line
Ludibrium Assistant Cheng's JQ
A reason why the quest lines were abused was because they were repeatable and gave ores as rewards. Ores could be used as profit or making equips.
v0.28 - 8/16/2006
An interesting program I found helpful and convenient was called DXWND. It can make a full screen game into window mode. In this era, the game was only able to be played full screen. By making the game in window mode, it allows hackers to easily access their CE and activate hacks. Earliest date of adopting DXWND into the Maple community was 8/23/06.
NNF is a well-known person in the hacking community as well as Scania. People witnessed him vaccing and botting as said in the forums. He contributed to the community by submitting his own AC. Rumors had it that he made other hacks as well, such as the Free Market Switcher (find 'Rache').
A couple days after v0.24 was released, people experienced a disconnection problem with the Sleepywood Sauna. Some claimed that the female NPC receptionist was missing and that's what made them d/c. Many people said that this 'glitch' that's happening was from NNF. By using an advanced vacuum hack, he vacced NPCs into the lobby map and when players enter this specific map, it causes the game to overload and crashes. There wasn't any said list of NPCs except the female receptionist. Only a very few channels work in every world, but it changes irregularly over time. A chain of failed server checks follow-up this problem and not until the next version did this problem get resolved.
Some say NNF did this to wreak havoc on the game because he was tired of noobs leeching off hacks from hacking communities. He successfully brought the fall of all hacks and bypasses after the next version of the game was up...but not for long.
March 1, 2006 marks the day where the new town Ludibrium is opened. There's a PQ in the town for player levels 35-50. Again, the same struggle from KPQ had spread to this PQ as well. Players had 1 hour to complete the PQ. So if the party leader has an auto-clicker, you're in luck to leveling faster.